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To sort by a column, click the column heading Total Results: 7
 Tracking NumberDateTypeDescriptionRelated Matters 
TR1702557 5/19/2017Staff Memorandum Staff Memorandum for Homer Electric Association, Inc.
Filed By: Rebecca Alvey

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TR1702434 5/11/2017Tariff-Supplemental Filing Homer Electric Association (Tariff Supplement Response to Staff Request Re: Third Party Billing)
Filed By: John D. Draves

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TR1702380 5/9/2017Tariff-Supplemental Filing Homer Electric Association (Revised Tariff Sheet Nos. 59 & 60 and Billing Forms)
Filed By: John D. Draves

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TR1702283 5/4/2017Tariff-Supplemental Filing Homer Electric Association (Response to Staff Re: Extension Request)
Filed By: John D. Draves

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TR1702238 5/2/2017Tariff-Supplemental Filing Homer Electric Association (Response to Staff Re: Billing and Contract Forms)
Filed By: John D. Draves

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TR1701975 4/18/2017Tariff-Supplemental Filing Homer Electric Association (Response from Staff Re: Reminder Notice)
Filed By: John D. Draves

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TR1701504 3/31/2017Public Notice-Outgoing Public Notice for Homer Electric Association, Inc.
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Start Date: 3/31/2017
Matter Number: ta399-32