Forms Library

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To sort by a column, click the column heading Total Results: 70
 CategoryDescriptionRevision DateFile
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Natural Gas, Major9/11/2007 8:24:52 AM AOR_GAS1.xls (718848kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Water3/10/2009 3:41:41 PM AOR_WATR.xls (104448kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Wastewater (Sewer)9/11/2007 8:28:19 AM AOR_SEWR.xls (105984kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Refuse5/15/2023 9:37:41 AM AOR_Refuse.xls (162304kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Natural Gas, Non-major1/12/2011 2:54:34 PM AOR_GAS2.xls (980480kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Electric, Major Part 1 (of 2)3/19/2014 3:31:17 PM AOR_ELEC1.xls (840704kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Steam Heat4/21/2009 11:00:54 AM AOR_STM.xls (149504kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Cable Television7/15/2009 8:05:24 AM AOR_CATV.xls (103424kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Electric, Major Part 2 (of 2)9/11/2007 8:23:52 AM AOR_ELEC2.xls (346624kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Telecommunication3/25/2008 11:13:53 AM AOR_TELE.xls (423424kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Pipeline Carrier2/27/2013 10:53:33 AM AOR_PIPE.xls (434688kb)
Forms: Annual ReportsAnnual Operations Report Form: Electric, Non-major4/2/2012 2:55:40 PM AOR_ELEC3.xls (222720kb)
Forms: CPCNForm X107: Application for Acquiring a Controlling Interest in a Certificated Public Utility11/15/2013 3:44:46 PM APP_CNTL.pdf (99190kb)
Forms: CPCNForm PU 103: Application for a Transfer of a CPCN11/15/2013 3:46:17 PM APP_TRNF.pdf (365772kb)
Forms: CPCNApplication Change Control11/16/2012 2:18:36 PM 20121116_Application Change Control.pdf (1444881kb)
Forms: CPCNApplication for a New or Amended CPCN (Cable Television, Electric, Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier [ILEC], Natural Gas, Refuse, Steam Heat, Wastewater, Water)11/13/2013 2:15:27 PM APP_ALL.pdf (468146kb)
Forms: CPCN (Directory Assistance)Application for a New or Amended CPCN for Directory Assistance9/11/2007 8:32:04 AM APP_DA.pdf (106545kb)
Forms: CPCN (IXC)Application for a New or Amended CPCN for Intrastate Interexchange Telecommunications Services9/11/2007 8:32:38 AM APP_IXC.pdf (89410kb)
Forms: CPCN (LEC)Application for a New or Amended CPCN for Local Exchange Carriers (Competitive Service)8/6/2014 8:54:07 AM APP_CLEC.pdf (170021kb)
Forms: CPCN (Pipeline)Application for a New or Amended CPCN for Pipeline Carriers9/11/2007 8:34:01 AM APP_PIPE.pdf (616788kb)
Forms: CPCN (Private Pay Phone)Application for a New or Amended CPCN for Private Payphone Telephone Providers9/11/2007 8:34:42 AM APP_PPT.pdf (36280kb)
Forms: CPCN (Refuse)Application for a New or Amended CPCN for Refuse Service (Reduced Standard Application for use in areas where the Commission has approved unlimited competition) 11/15/2013 3:47:37 PM APP_GARB.pdf (149456kb)
Forms: CPCN (Telecom)Monthly Non-Pooling Carrier Common Line Report9/12/2011 8:14:59 AM Monthly Non Pooling Carrier Common Line Report.xlsm (15708kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousSample Notice Of Utility Application12/5/2017 8:59:38 AM Sample Notice Of Utility Application.doc (29184kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousUnified System of Accounts - Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations - Common Carrier Services10/11/2013 4:34:23 PM Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations.pdf (1913241kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousModel Electric Tariff (Word)11/3/2011 4:43:19 PM Model Electric Tariff.docx (68737kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousModel Electric Tariff11/3/2011 4:43:37 PM Model Electric Tariff.pdf (280497kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousSample Tariff Sheet (Word)11/3/2011 4:41:43 PM Sample Tariff Sheet.docx (19107kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousGeneral Information Update Form11/16/2012 4:17:49 PM General Information Update.xlsx (11801kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousMaster Utility Directory (MUD) Form12/7/2012 9:16:48 AM MUD Form.docx (12432kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousSample Tariff Sheet11/3/2011 4:40:26 PM wpmodel.pdf (36677kb)
Forms: MiscellaneousInformal Complaint Form - Consumer Protection10/4/2018 9:07:11 AM Informal.complaint.form.pdf (212371kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending March 31, 20246/21/2024 3:53:50 PM YE033124.xlsx (72250kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending June 30, 20236/21/2024 2:12:23 PM YE063023.xlsx (73295kb)
Forms: PCENon-regulated Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Report (Fuel Report)9/20/2023 9:55:02 AM FuelReport_Form.xls (94208kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending March 31, 20236/21/2024 2:17:05 PM YE033123.xlsx (72255kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending June 30, 20246/21/2024 3:54:37 PM YE063024.xlsx (73289kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending September 30, 20246/21/2024 3:55:26 PM YE090124.xlsx (72283kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending December 31, 20246/21/2024 3:56:15 PM YE123124.xlsx (72345kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending September 30, 20236/24/2024 12:51:18 PM YE090123.xlsx (72698kb)
Forms: PCEPCE Annual Report Form for Non-Regulated Utilities: Period Ending December 31, 20236/21/2024 2:06:22 PM YE123123.xlsx (72344kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationApplication for a Provisional Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (Microsoft Word Doc)9/11/2007 8:39:18 AM ProvApp.doc (65024kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationProvisional Certification Annual Update Form (Microsoft Word Doc)7/20/2018 10:36:02 AM ProvisionalCertificationAnnualUpdateForm_02152008.doc (127488kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationUniform System of Accounts - Class D Sewer6/2/2008 1:47:55 PM Sewer USoA for Class D.pdf (3936464kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationUniform System of Accounts - Class D Water6/2/2008 2:07:24 PM Water USoA for Class D.pdf (2475483kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationAnnual Update Form - Example of Completed Form6/3/2008 3:06:25 PM Annual Update Form - Example.pdf (39740kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationPre-Application for Utility Certification Determination (Adobe Acrobat PDF)9/11/2007 8:39:18 AM PreApp.pdf (133530kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationPre-Application for Utility Certification Determination (Microsoft Word Doc)9/11/2007 8:39:18 AM PreApp.doc (31744kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationApplication for an Initial Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity for New Public Water or Sewer Systems (Adobe Acrobat PDF)9/11/2007 8:39:18 AM InitialApp.pdf (170006kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationApplication for an Initial Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity for New Public Water or Sewer Systems (Microsoft Word Doc)9/11/2007 8:39:17 AM InitialApp.doc (48640kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationProvisional Certification Annual Update Form (Adobe Acrobat PDF)7/20/2018 10:39:55 AM ProvisionalCertificationAnnualUpdateForm_02152008.pdf (222867kb)
Forms: Provisional CertificationApplication for a Provisional Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (Adobe Acrobat PDF)9/11/2007 8:39:18 AM ProvApp.pdf (153922kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Natural Gas10/6/2023 12:20:59 PM AR_GAS.xlsx (14494kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Private Pay Telephone10/6/2023 12:21:01 PM AR_PPT.xlsx (14346kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Electric10/6/2023 12:18:38 PM AR_ELEC.xlsx (14366kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Water10/6/2023 12:18:44 PM AR_WATR.xlsx (14529kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Intrastate Interexchange Carrier (IXC)10/6/2023 12:21:00 PM AR_IXC.xlsx (14473kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)10/6/2023 12:21:00 PM AR_LEC.xlsx (14497kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Steam Heat10/6/2023 12:18:43 PM AR_STM.xlsx (14548kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Refuse1/13/2023 2:21:23 PM AR_GARB.xlsx (14433kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Wastewater (Sewer)10/6/2023 12:18:42 PM AR_SEWR.xlsx (14536kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Natural Gas Storage10/6/2023 12:20:58 PM AR_GAS STORAGE.xlsx (14432kb)
Forms: RCCRCC Annual Report Form: Pipeline Carrier10/6/2023 12:21:01 PM AR_PIPE.xlsx (14423kb)
Forms: RegistrationForm RE303: Annual Reporting Form--IXC Registration and Alternate Operator Service Providers6/26/2017 3:22:11 PM APP_RE303.pdf (23856kb)
Forms: RegistrationForm RE302: Application for Intrastate Interexchange Carriers and Alternate Operator Service Providers not Subject to Certification--Registration (for current holders of intrastate interexchange telecommunications certificates)6/26/2017 3:21:07 PM APP_RE302.pdf (21529kb)
Forms: RegistrationApplication for a New or Amended CPCN for Intrastate Interexchange Telecommunications Registration Application9/11/2007 12:08:52 PM APP_REIXC.pdf (281896kb)
Forms: RegistrationTariff Content Verification Form9/20/2017 8:20:40 AM APP_Tariff.pdf (185052kb)
Forms: RegistrationForm RE301: Application for Intrastate Interexchange Carriers and Alternate Operator Service Providers not Subject to Certification--Registration (for applicants not currently certificated to provide intrastate interexchange telecommunications)6/26/2017 3:19:40 PM APP_RE301.pdf (25008kb)
Forms: TRSAlaska Telecommunications Relay Service Fund Monthly Remittance Form 2022-20237/26/2022 12:59:57 PM AlaskaTRSRemit07012022.pdf (116411kb)
Forms: TRSAlaska Telecommunications Relay Service Fund--Monthly Remittance Form 2021-20228/10/2021 9:41:46 AM AlaskaTRSRemit07012021.pdf (116865kb)