The Consumer Protection & Information Section assists consumers to resolve
disputes with their utility service providers.
To file a complaint about your utility, please use the RCA's online complaint portal or download the Informal Complaint Form. A consumer
protection and information officer will contact you within two business days upon
receipt of your complaint. If you have an urgent matter (e.g., disconnection of
power), please contact us immediately.
RCA Consumer Protection & Information Section
Tel. No. (907) 276-6222
1-800-390-2782 (outside Anchorage)
Fax: (907) 276-0160
TTY/Alaska Relay: 7-1-1 or 1-800-770-8973
Please NOTE:
If your service has been disconnected for non-payment of electric or natural gas
service, please contact the Alaska 2-1-1, which is a one-stop resource for finding
help in your community. However, if you feel that your service was wrongfully
disconnected by the utility, please contact us immediately.
If your dispute relates to your telecommunications services, our ability to investigate
your complaint may be limited due to Senate Bill 83, which
repeals a number of Alaska telecom laws and becomes effective November 27,
2019. Additionally, due to federal preemption, the RCA does not regulate cable,
internet, or wireless services. Use the RCA Telecom Complaint Form to submit your
If the RCA Consumer Protection and Information Section is unable to assist with
your dispute, you may contact:
The Attorney General whose office investigates unfair or deceptive business
practices and files legal actions on behalf of the State of Alaska to stop such
practices. You may visit the
Attorney General Consumer Protection Unit's website to determine if your
complaint against a telecommunications provider falls under the Attorney General's
For general questions about your rights and responsibilities, as well as the terms and
conditions of regulated public utilities, please review the consumer factsheets,
frequently asked questions, and current effective tariffs found under the Resources
By Utility Type as shown below.
(Note: These average utility rates are as of June 30 each year and they do not
encompass every fuel surcharge change or every rate change.)
(Note: By law, AS 42.05.371, regulated public utilities must abide under the rates,
terms, and conditions provided in their current approved tariff. Click on the
certificate number to access the tariff.)
(A publication of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners)
The RCA is a quasi-judicial agency that regulates utilities and pipeline carriers in the State of
Pursuant to 3 AAC 48.020(g), a commissioner, presiding officer, or commission staff member
may not, except upon reasonable notice and opportunity for all parties to participate,
communicate with a party, and other affected persons, about any issue of fact, law, or policy in a
pending adjudicatory proceeding.
If you are media representative and have a question about a pending proceeding, please review
the record of the proceeding before contacting the agency's media liaison. If you need additional
assistance, please contact Supervisor, Consumer Protection and Information Section, Steven
Jones at steven.jones@alaska.gov.
Navigating the RCA Website
The RCA's website contains comprehensive information regarding matters of pending and closed
dockets, utility tariffs, statutes, rules and regulations. Researching a specific case (if the
number is known) is straightforward and can be done by typing the docket number in the "Find a
Matter" search box. RCA docket files contain all the documents associated with that case.
example, a rate case often involves several interested parties who file comments, exhibits, and
When searching for all matters about a specific utility company, simply enter the company name
in the "Find an Entity" search box. When researching a specific topic within a number
of cases,
such as "ENSTAR Natural Gas Company" or "ENSTAR", there is the Advanced Search
feature under the RCA Library tab, which accepts Boolean connectors and will direct you to
relevant cases.
When searching for all open dockets, please use these links:
Open Utility Dockets
Open Pipeline Dockets
Open Tariff Matters
Open Rule-Making Docket
Timelines for RCA decisions on any docketed matters are set out in AS 42.05.175.
Other consumer assistance agencies and services
Note: The information listed below may not be comprehensive and does not constitute an
endorsement or approval, but is intended to provide a starting point for consumer information.
(An independent corporation governed by a board of directors with the mission to "reduce the cost
of energy in
(AHFC provides programs to help homeowners recoup their expenses in making energy efficiency improvements
to their homes.)
(Alaska Relay is a free service for people with hearing or speech loss to communicate with other individuals
(Information on heating system selection, replacement and estimating energy savings.)
(Energy Star is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals
save money through energy efficiency.)
(FCC regulates interstate telecommunications services. Alaskan consumers may contact the FCC for
on Internet, cable, and cellular services.)
(FERC regulates interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.)
(Helps offset the cost of home heating for eligible Alaskans.)
(The AG Consumer Protection Unit investigates unfair or deceptive business practices and files legal
actions on
behalf of the State of Alaska to stop such practices.)
(RAPA advocates on behalf of the public interest in utility and pipeline matters that come before the
Commission of Alaska.)
(An organization formed to provide a forum and structure for the six interconnected Railbelt electric
utilities in
(A consumer advocacy organization.)
(BBB helps consumers identify trustworthy businesses, and those that aren't, more than 4 million BBB
(An organization that advoicates for clean renewable energy.)
For additional government and industry resources, visit this link.
E911: An abbreviated dialing code that directs emergency calls
to police, fire, and emergency services.
2-1-1: An abbreviated dialing code that directs callers to health
and human services information and referral providers.
ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution): ADR refers to any
means of settling disputes, usually presided by a hearing
examiner, administrative law judge, mediator or an arbitrator.
AUSF (Alaska Universal Service Fund): This local charge is
similar to the Federal Universal Service Fund. The Alaska USF
provides support for three different programs: Lifeline & Link
Up, DEM Weighting and Public Interest Pay Telephone. Lifeline
helps reduce the local monthly charge for low-income
customers. DEM Weighting provides support to certain small
local exchange companies with high switching costs. The PIPT
program supports the cost of pay telephones in locations where
they are needed for health, safety and public welfare and would
not otherwise exists as a result of the operation of competitive
Broadband: A term that refers to the ability to transmit data
at high rates of speed (45Mb/s and above). Usually associated
with the transmission of data, multimedia audio and video
(such as high-speed Internet access), it may also be part of
private networks. See RCA's broadband report to the legislature
in Docket
Ccf: One hundred cubic feet; a unit used to measure natural
gas usage.
CIAC (Contribution-in-Aid-of-Construction): A term used
in utility line extensions.
CINGSA (Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage Alaska):
Alaska's first commercial natural gas storage facility.
CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier): A local
telephone company that competes with the incumbent local
exchange carrier (or ILEC, see below) for the local telephone
business of customers.
COPA (Cost of Power Adjustment): A mechanism that
allows a power company to adjust its rates to coincide with
changes in fuel costs (3 AAC 52.503).
CPCN (Certificate of Public Convenience & Necessity):
CPCN is a certificate by which all public utilities and pipeline
carriers are required to obtain from the RCA before operating
and receiving compensation for providing a commodity or
service (AS 42.05.221 -.281 for public utilities and AS
42.06.240 for pipelines).
CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information): CPNI
refers to any information collected by telecommunications
service providers, including but not limited to: billing records,
type of services that subscribers are receiving, call details and
history, and other customer information. To learn more about
the FCC's CPNI rules, download the
FCC's Order here.
Cramming: Cramming is billing for optional services that you
never requested or authorized. The RCA has developed rules to
prevent cramming by requiring complete and accurate
disclosure of services and charges on a consumer's telephone
bill (3 AAC 52.230).
DR&R (Dismantling, Removal, and Restoration): a term
often on utility and pipeline infrastructure.
ESSS (Electric Service & Safety Standards): These are set
of rules for electric companies in providing services to
customers in Alaska (3 AAC 52.400 - 3 AAC 52.500).
FEA (Federal Executive Agencies): An organization
comprised of various federal agencies.
FET (Federal Excise Tax): A charge on all
telecommunications services, including local, long distance and
wireless bills.
G&T (Generation & Transmission): Electric power
transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a
generating site, such as a power plant, to an electrical
GCA (Gas Cost Adjustment): A mechanism that provides a
dollar-for-dollar recovery of costs incurred by a natural gas
utility to purchase and deliver natural gas to its system. The
GCA rate enables the local utility to correct any over or under
collections of natural gas costs in previous periods (3 AAC
ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier): The “traditional”
local telephone company in a geographic region.
Local Number Portability (LNP): A procedure that allows
consumers to keep their telephone number when they switch
local service from one telephone carrier to another.
Mcf: One thousand cubic feet; a unit used to measure natural
gas usage.
MUSA (Municipal Utilities Service Assessment): Through
an ordinance passed by the Municipality of Anchorage, MUSA is
a payment in lieu of taxes.
NAF (Network Access Fee): The NAF is designed to recover a
portion of the cost of the "local loop" (i.e., the wires and
associated local network facilities that connect a telephone
customer to the local telephone company's central office
switch). All local exchange carriers must charge the NAF.
National “Do-Not-Call” Registry: A list maintained by the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
that allows consumers to have their telephone number removed
from databases used by telemarketers. Consumers can register
for the national do-not-call registry either online or at
http://www.donotcall.gov or by calling toll-free (888) 382-1222.
PCE (Power Cost Equalization Program): A program
funded by the Alaska Energy Authority to reduce the electric
bills of residential customers living in rural communities. For
more information about the PCE, please refer to the Power
Cost Equalization
Fact Sheet.
PIPT (Public Interest Pay Telephone)
QF (Qualifying Facility): QF refers to a facility that meets
certain regulatory requirements for operation, efficiency, and
use of energy output.
RCC (Regulatory Cost Charges): Charge incurred through
legislation to fund the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (3 AAC
RRC (Railbelt Reliability Council): An organization formed to
provide a forum and structure for the six interconnected
Railbelt electric utilities.
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition):
SCADA is a computer system for gathering and analyzing real
time data. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a
plant or equipment in industries such as telecommunications,
water and waste control, energy, and oil and gas.
SRF (Simplified Rate Filing): SRF is a process in which an
electric cooperative may adjust its rates as frequently as
quarterly but may not exceed a cumulative 20 percent in any
three-year period or a cumulative eight percent in a 12-month
period. Rate adjustments under SRF regulations are in addition
to purchased and fuel cost rate adjustments (AS 42.05.381(e)
and 3 AAC 48.700).
Slamming: Slamming is when your telecommunications
provider is changed without your authorization. You should
immediately contact your original carrier and advise that your
local telephone (or long distance) service was changed without
authorization. You should also contact the company that
requested the unauthorized switch and request a refund or
credit and make sure you do not get monthly recurring charges
(for example, some long distance companies charge a flat long
distance calling plan billed monthly.
STMP (State Telecommunications Modernization Plan):
RCA rules that assure that telephone companies provide all
consumers with adequate service at minimum requirements
and standards (3 AAC 53.700).
Tariff: A tariff is a set of policies and procedures or terms and
conditions under which a utility offers its services and facilities.
A legally filed and effective tariff rate, charge, toll, rental, rule,
regulation, or condition of service may not be changed except
in the manner provided in AS 42.05.371.
TA (Tariff Advice): A tariff advice is filing procedure by which
utility companies follow to change its legally filed and effective
tariff rate, charge, toll, rental, rule, regulation, or condition of
service. The review process for the filing prescribed by AS
42.05.361 - AS 42.05.441, includes a period for public
comment (published under Notices in local newspapers) and
allows the Commission to approve, reject, or suspend the tariff
filing for further investigation. For most utilities, this review
process takes 45 days.
Telecommunications Act of 1996: Federal legislation that,
among other things, permitted former Bell operating companies
to enter the long distance telephone business.
UAS (Universal Access Surcharge): This surcharge, also
commonly referred to as the TRS surcharge, is for
Telecommunications Relay Service centers that transmit and
translate calls between hearing individuals and individuals who
are hearing or speech impaired. The Alaska's TRS carrier is
South Dakota Association of the Deaf d/b/a Alaska Relay, CSD
of Alaska.
VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): The use of the
Internet Protocol (a data transmission protocol) to transmit and
switch (or “route”) voice messages which have been converted
to data. VoIP may include the use of the Internet, private
networks, and/or the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN, see above) to carry or complete calls. VoIP is
sometimes referred to as IP Telephony.
WLNP (Wireless Local Number Portability): Local Number
Portability (LNP, see above) applied to and between wireless
carriers and between wireless and traditional or competitive
telephone carriers.
To view the statutes and regulations cited above, click
Date Revised: 09/29/2023
RCA Telecom Complaint Form.pdf
Date Issued: 3/3/2021