Information for ENSTAR Customers.

The RCA’s Consumer Protection & Information Section provides ENSTAR customers the following information about the recent changes to ENSTAR rates.   ENSTAR is moving ratepayers from A, B, and C (residential, small commercial and large commercial) rate schedules to G1 through G4 rate schedules.  The new customer classes are based on the capacity of the metering equipment necessary to serve each group of customers.  The rate changes became effective on August 9, 2010, when the RCA accepted a Stipulation among the parties in ENSTAR rate proceedings under Docket Nos. U-09-069 and U-09-070

(G1) General Service 1

This rate applies to natural gas service to any customer served through a single meter for any purpose where the meter has a maximum capacity of 400 cubic feet per hour (CFH) or less.  Ninety seven percent of ENSTAR’s residential customers fall under this rate and have a meter size of 275 or smaller. 

The maximum capacity of a G1 meter can be increased to 590 CFH for dwellings with a single high efficiency, on demand water heater with a rated capacity of under 250,000 BTU (250 CFH) and still qualify for a G1 rate.

Monthly Rate
Service Charge (Base): $0.0978 per hundred cubic feet (Ccf)
Customer Charge: $13.50

(G2) General Service 2 
This rate applies to natural gas service to any customer served through a single meter for any purpose where the meter has a maximum capacity of 401 cubic feet per hour (CFH), but no more than 649 CFH.  Customers in this rate usually have a meter size of 425. 
Monthly Rate
Service Charge (Base): $0.0966 per hundred cubic feet (Ccf)
Customer Charge: $29.00
Note:  G2 customers who have a dwelling with a single high efficiency on demand water heater may contact ENSTAR to determine whether a meter exchange to qualify for the lower G1 rate is appropriate.

(G3) General Service 3

This rate applies to natural gas service to any customer served through a single meter for any purpose where the meter has a maximum capacity of 1,001 cubic feet per hour (CFH), but no more than 3,000 CFH.  

Monthly Rate
Service Charge (Base): $0.0988 per hundred cubic feet (Ccf)
Customer Charge: $109.00

(G4) General Service 4 
This rate applies to natural gas service to any customer served through a single meter for any purpose where the meter has a maximum capacity over 3,000 cubic feet per hour.   
Monthly Rate
Service Charge (Base): $0.0978 per hundred cubic feet (Ccf)
Customer Charge: $360.00

A copy of the Stipulation may be downloaded from this link: U-09-069/U-09-070.  If you have any questions, please visit ENSTAR's website or download its current effective tariff.   If you have a dispute with ENSTAR, please contact ENSTAR directly at (907) 277-5551.  If ENSTAR is unable to resolve your dispute, you may file a complaint using the RCA's online complaint form.

ENSTAR's Response
Date Issued: 9/29/2010