Public Notice TA139-117, TA198-251, TA180-359 ACS:
Revise Network Access Fee and Carrier of Last Resort levels -

Notice of Utility Tariff Filings

The REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA (Commission) gives notice that the Alaska Communications (ACS) local exchange companies listed in the table below have filed tariff revisions to revise the Network Access Fee (NAF) and Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) levels. The filings were submitted in compliance with regulations adopted in Docket Nos. R-08-003 and R-09-003 that increased the NAF and implemented the COLR support mechanism. The current filings increase the NAF from $5.25 per month to $5.75 per month. The NAF affects all end users that subscribe to local exchange telephone service.

ACS of Fairbanks, LLC,
ACS of Alaska, LLC
ACS of the Northland, LLC,

RCA Public Notice TA139-117 et al.
Date Issued: 6/23/2015