Public Notice TA252-13 GVEA:
Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Coal with Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. -

Notice of Utility Tariff Filing

The REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA (Commission) gives notice that GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (GVEA), an electric utility, has filed TA252-13 which includes an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Coal (Agreement) with Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. (UCM). The Agreement addresses the coal supply for the existing Healy 1 and the new Healy 2 (aka Healy Clean Coal) coal power plants.  The previous Agreement between GVEA and UCM has been in place since 2009.  Many features of the proposed Agreement are consistent with the previous Agreement. 

TA252-13 Public Notice
Date Issued: 5/6/2014