Net Metering Regulations Signed Into Law.

The Regulatory Commission of Alaska adopted regulations (3 AAC 50.900 - 3AAC 50-949) addressing net metering requirements for certain economically regulated electric utilities. Net metering allows a consumer to reduce his or her load requirement by interconnecting on-site generation facilities to electric utility facilities. The net metering regulations apply to independent electric systems owned and operated by an electric utility subject to economic regulation if the system had total retail sales of 5,000,000 kWh or more during the previous calendar year (an exemption applies if the system generates 100 percent of its power using renewable resources). Based on 2008 PCE Annual Report Data and Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Report Data filed with the RCA, the following independent electric systems are subject to the net metering regulations:

·       Alaska Power Company:  The communities of Craig, Haines, Klawock, Skagway, and Tok
·       Bethel Utilities Corporation
·       TDX North Slope Generating
·       Alaska Electric Light & Power
·       Homer Electric Association
·       Municipal Light & Power
·       Chugach Electric Association
·       Golden Valley Electric Association
·       Matanuska Electric Association

The net metering regulations took effect on June 16, 2010, and will be published July 2010 in Register 194 of the Alaska Administrative Code.

Date Issued: 6/24/2010