Consumer Awareness Hearing for ACS Telular Customers in Klawock and South Thorne Bay

                 550 SUMMIT STREET
                 KLAWOCK, ALASKA

                 5:00 P.M.

The Regulatory Commission of Alaska has scheduled a consumer awareness hearing to allow Alaska Communications Systems of the Northland (ACS-N) to explain its proposal to offer wireline service in South Thorne Bay and the Mary Jackson, Big Salt Lake, and Klawock Lake subdivisions of Klawock.  ACS-N will provide estimates of line extension charges and answer questions from its customers. 

In February 2008, the RCA opened Docket U-08-23 to investigate issues related to wireless Telular service provided by ACS-N in the communities of Thorne Bay and Klawock on Prince of Whales Island in Southeast Alaska.  ACS-N has since upgraded its Telular service and provided credits to all customers who experienced known service outages during a time of poor service.  ACS-N has also filed a proposal to offer wireline service consistent with the line extension terms in its tariff. The RCA determined that it would be appropriate to hold a consumer awareness hearing to allow ACS-N to present information about the proposal.  In Order U-08-23(9), the RCA required ACS-N to provide a detailed description of its plan to offer wireline service, provide estimates of line extension charges, and answer questions from its customers about the proposal at the consumer awareness hearing.

Telular customers of ACS-N in South Thorne Bay and Klawock are encouraged to attend the consumer awareness hearing scheduled to convene at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 25, 2010, at the City Hall of Klawock.

Date Issued: 2/18/2010