
Annual Update Form


Q: What do I do if I'm not sure if my utility needs to be certificated?

A:  If you are unsure where your utility fits into RCA regulation, you can complete the Pre-Application for Utility Certification Determination (available in the Forms Library).  RCA will review your response and notify you whether your utility is exempt or is eligible for Provisional or traditional Certification.

Q: What do I file if I'm currently being reviewed for an Approval to Construct by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)?

A:  Complete an Application for an Initial Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity for New Public Water or Sewer Systems (available in the Forms Library ). A finding of public convenience and necessity does not grant you approval operate; however, it may be referenced within your application for certification, which must be completed and approved prior to your providing service to ten or more customers for compensation, in accordance with AS 42.05.221.

Q: How do I expand my service area?

A:  In accordance with 3 AAC 52.724(c), a provisionally certified utility must submit a new application for provisional certification in order to modify its services area.  (available in the Forms Library).  A utility filing for a service area amendment must include the revised portions of its tariff with its application.

Annual Update Form
Q: Why do I have to file the Annual Update?

A.  The Annual Update allows the RCA to monitor the ongoing financial and managerial health of your utility. At this time, form is required to be submitted by all provisionally certificated utilities, in accordance with 3 AAC 52.724, which states:

3 AAC 52.724. Continuing requirements.
(a) A provisionally certificated utility shall file the following information each year, no later than 180 days after the close of the utility’s annual accounting period:
(1) a fee of $100;
(2) an affidavit stating that the utility continues to meet the qualifications for provisional certification set out in 3 AAC 52.720;
(3) a statement of any changes to information submitted with the utility's application for provisional certification;
(4) a statement of revenue and expense for the last fiscal year on a form prescribed by the commission; the utility must identify all sources of revenue including customer fees and operational subsidies from other sources; to comply with this paragraph
(A) the utility may file a combined water and wastewater statement using at least the following accounts, if applicable to that utility: income account 400 and associated subaccounts and expense accounts 401, 403, 408.1, 409.1, 421, and 427 as described in the Uniform System of Accounts for Class D water utilities prescribed under 3 AAC 48.277(a)(17) ;
(B) the utility may file a separate water and wastewater statement using at least the following accounts, if applicable to that utility:
(i.)      for water, income account 400 and associated subaccounts and expense accounts 401, 403, 408.1, 409.1, 421, and 427 as described in as described in the Uniform System of Accounts for Class D water utilities prescribed under 3 AAC 48.277(a)(17) ;
(ii.)      for wastewater, income account 400 and associated subaccounts and expense accounts 401, 402, 403, 408, 409, 421, and 427 as described in as described in the Uniform System of Accounts for Class D water utilities prescribed under 3 AAC 48.277(a)(27) ;
(5) the following information from the utility’s reporting period, on a form prescribed by the commission:
(A) the number of active connections by customer class and the monthly user fees associated with them;
(B) the total water production for the fiscal year;
(C) the yearly water consumption of each individually metered user.

Q. What happens with the information I file?

A.  The RCA will collect and record the information in a database that will allow State and Federal agencies to compare the ongoing financial and managerial health of small water and wastewater utilities throughout Alaska. This will enable support agencies to identify areas in which a utility may benefit from assistance to ensure the utility's long-term sustainability and to achieve cost savings. Some funding agencies may use a utility's ongoing compliance with this requirement as part of the scoring for the receipt of a grant or as an ongoing grant condition.

Q. How do I complete the Annual Update form?

A.  The following is an example of a completed form:  EXAMPLE (pdf).

Q. What are the definitions for the Uniform System of Accounts categories on the form?

A.  A copy of the Uniform System of Accounts can be found in the Forms Library .

Q: How do I submit the Annual Update form?

A:  The required portions of this form must be completed and returned to the RCA with the annual fee of $100 no later than 180 days after the close of the your annual accounting period. The Annual Update will not be considered complete without the $100 fee.

The Annual Update may be submitted online if you have registered with the RCA. Otherwise, mail the Update and the $100 fee to the RCA at:

Regulatory Commission of Alaska
701 West Eighth Avenue, Suite #300
Anchorage, AK 99501

Last Updated 05

Date Issued: 9/1/2007