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To sort by a column, click the column heading Total Results: 198
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Matter NumberEntitiesMatter DescriptionUtility TypeDate OpenedDate Closed
TA571-18 Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.Matanuska Electric Association - COPA/SFPPR  3/28/2025
TA85-684 TDX Adak Generating, LLCTDX Adak Generating - COPA/PCE/SFPPRElectric 3/21/2025
TA569-8 Chugach Electric Association, Inc.Chugach Electric Association - COPA/SFPPRElectric 3/21/2025
TA218-227 TDX North Slope Generating, LLCTDX North Slope Generating - COPA/SFPPRElectric 3/20/2025
TA70-653 Alaska Waste-Juneau, LLCAlaska Waste - Juneau - CODSRefuse 3/19/2025
TA66-656 Alaska Waste-Ketchikan, LLCAlaska Waste - Ketchikan - CODSRefuse 3/19/2025
TA475-32 Homer Electric Association, Inc.Homer Electric Association - General Rule Revision (Curtailment Plan)Electric 3/18/2025
TA241-5 Aniak Light and Power Company, Inc.Aniak Light and Power Company - COPA/PCE/SFPPRElectric 3/17/2025
TA570-18 Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.Matanuska Electric Association - Miscellaneous (Annual Revision to Cost-Per-Foot for New Construction)Electric 3/14/2025
TA568-8 Chugach Electric Association, Inc.Chugach Electric Association - Miscellaneous (Annual G&T Loss Factor)Electric 3/14/2025
TA533-1 Alaska Electric Light & Power CompanyAlaska Electric Light and Power Company - COPA/SFPPRElectric 3/14/2025
I-25-001  Consideration of the Implementation of Curtailment ProceduresUtility type not set 3/14/2025
U-25-008 College Utilities Corporation; Golden Heart Utilities, Inc.; Inland Pacific Resources, Inc.Application - Acquire Controlling Interest in GHU and CUC (IPRI/SWWC)Water 3/13/2025
TA532-1 Alaska Electric Light & Power CompanyAlaska Electric Light and Power Company - Contract - Special Contract (Amendment No. 3 to the Snettisham Hydro Hatchery Agreement)Electric 3/12/2025
TA291-230 Sand Point Generating, LLCSand Point Generating - COPA/PCE/SFPPRElectric 3/10/2025
TA194-72 TDX Manley Generating, LLCTDX Manley Generating - COPA/PCE/SFPPRElectric 3/10/2025
L-25-003  House Energy Committe Meeting Follow Up- Holland  3/7/2025
L-25-002  Inquiry on Interior Natural Gas Utility-Kubitz  3/7/2025
TA389-13 Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc.Golden Valley Electric Association - COPA/SFPPR Electric 2/28/2025
U-25-007 Hilcorp Alaska Gas Storage, LLCApplication - New Certificate (Hilcorp Alaska Gas Storage) Natural Gas Storage 2/20/2025
R-25-003 ACS of Alaska, LLCAlaska Communications' Petition for RulemakingTelecomm (All) 2/19/2025 3/19/2025
E-25-001 Railbelt Reliability Council Tariff Suspension-Railbelt Reliability Council (TE8-9001/Reliability Standards)Electric Reliability Organization 2/14/2025
R-25-002 Matanuska Telecom Association IncorporatedPetition for Rulemaking-Matanuska Telecom AssociationTelecomm (All) 2/7/2025 3/7/2025
P-25-006 Anchor Point Energy, LLCApplication-Discontinue Certificate 734 Anchor Point EnergyPipeline 2/5/2025
U-25-004 ENSTAR Natural Gas Company, LLCTariff Suspension - (ENSTAR)- Gas Cost Adjustment (Revision to GCA Cost Element)Natural Gas Storage 2/4/2025
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