Potter Creek Water Company - Revenue Requirement Study
Type Tariff
Date Filed 3/19/2019
Tracking Number TR1901530
Filed By Neil G. Bergt
Entities PCWC
Certificate(s) 358
Means Received Internet
Related Matters
TA47-358 Potter Creek Water Company - Revenue Requirement Study
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 File NameDescriptionFile SizeFile Type 
TA_Letter_47-358.pdf Potter Creek Water Company - Revenue Requirement Study 422539 kb .pdf
Sheets 35 and 36 interim and refundable.pdf Sheets 35 and 36 interim and refundable 623314 kb .pdf
Sheets 35 and 36 final.pdf Sheets 35 and 36 final 963412 kb .pdf
revenue requirement interim and refundable.pdf revenue requirement interim and refundable 881183 kb .pdf
revenue requirement final.pdf revenue requirement final 881986 kb .pdf
Neil_Bergt_testimony.pdf Neil_Bergt_testimony 544757 kb .pdf
land tax value.pdf land tax value 175154 kb .pdf
anchorage consumer price index documentation.pdf anchorage consumer price index documentation 72146 kb .pdf

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