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What the RCA Regulates
The RCA's Consumer Protection & Information Section may investigate
electric utility issues including but not limited to:
Billing and Collection Requirements
(3 AAC 52.430)
Budget / Levelized Billing
(3 AAC 52.440)
Cost of Power Adjustments
(3 AAC 52.503)
Deferred Payment Arrangements
(3 AAC 52.445)
Deposit Requirements
(3 AAC 52.420)
Disconnection of Service
(3 AAC 52.450)
Energy Charges
Estimated Billings
(3 AAC 52.435)
Late Fees and Finance Charges
Line Extensions and Service Connections
(3 AAC 52.455)
Make-Up Bills
(Six months backbilling for previously unbilled services as a result of utility billing
Meter Readings
(3 AAC 52.425)
Meter Measurements, Adjustments and Testing
(3 AAC 52.465)
Net Metering
Non-recurring Rates
Power Cost Equalization
(Subsidy program for residential electric customers in rural
Pre-pay/Smart Meters
Quality of Service
(3 AAC 52.460)
Rates and Charges
(See Sample
Monthly Utility Rates)
Safety Standards
(3 AAC 52.480)
Service Interruptions
(3 AAC 52.490 Outage Report Requirements)
Simplified Rate Filing
(Periodic rate adjustments for electric cooperatives)
What the RCA Does Not Regulate
Electrical wiring inside the customer's building
Damage claims, including damages to underground lines
(Call Before You Dig)
Right of way/Easement issues
Cooperative Bylaws
(see AS 10.25)
Capital Credits
Last Updated 8/17/2018 gs
Date Issued: 4/9/2008