

Type Substantive Order
Effective Date 6/3/2020
Tracking Number 20-0102
Related Entities Alaska Public Interest Researc, Hilcorp Energy I, L.P., PTEP, TAPS, BPTA, Harvest Midstream I, LP, State of Alaska, Prince William Sound Regional , BPPA, HILCORP ALASKA, Cook Inlet Keeper, Harvest Alaska, BPXA, Alaska Oil and Gas Association, NANA Regional Corporation, Inc, Hilcorp Energy Company, ExxonMobil Alaska Production I, Cruz Construction, Inc., MPPLLC
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P-19-016 In the Matter of the Joint Application for Approval of the Acquisition by Harvest Alaska, LLC of BP PIPELINES (ALASKA) INC.'s Indirect 50% Interest in MILNE POINT PIPELINE, LLC, Holder of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Nos. 329 and 638
P-19-017 In the Matter of the Joint Application for Approval to Transfer Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 311 from BP PIPELINES (ALASKA) INC. to HARVEST ALASKA, LLC
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p19015.8.pdf Order 234148 kb .pdf
p19015.8.mc.docx Certificate of Service 144071 kb .docx
p19015.8.scl.doc Service List 48114 kb .doc

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