
ERRATA NOTICE TO ORDER R-20-001(3)/R-20-002(2)/R-20-003(2)

Type Errata
Effective Date 5/3/2021
Tracking Number 21-0063
Related Entities Department of Law RAPA, Chugach , Renewable Energy Alaska Projec, GVEA, DU, SEWARD, CIRI, HEA, Launch Alaska, North American Electric Reliab, MEA
Related Matters
R-20-001 In the Matter of the Consideration of Regulations Implementing Aspects of Senate Bill 123 Related to Certification and Board Composition Requirements of an Electric Reliability Organization
R-20-002 In the Matter of the Consideration of Regulations Implementing Aspects of Senate Bill 123 Related to the Integrated Resource Planning Activities of an Electric Reliability Organization and PreApproval Requirements for Certain Large Energy Facilities
R-20-003 In the Matter of the Consideration of Regulations Implementing Aspects of Senate Bill 123 Related to Tariff and Other Filing Requirements for an Electric Reliability Organization, Procedural Rules Governing Electric Reliability Organization Operations, the Imposition of Penalties for Failing to Comply with Approved Reliability Standards, and Conflict Resolution Procedures Related to Reliability Standards
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 File NameDescriptionFile SizeFile Type 
r20001.3e.pdf Order 224309 kb .pdf
r20001.3e.app.pdf Appendix 477048 kb .pdf
r20001.3e.scl.doc Service List 66809 kb .doc
r20001.3e.mc.docx Certificate of Service 95004 kb .docx

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