Request Login


In order to complete your request for a Commission issued username and password, you must email a Letter of Authorization to the Commission at

The Letter of Authorization must include your name and the list of entities that you have been authorized to submit electronic filings for via the Commission’s electronic filing system. In addition, the Letter of Authorization letter must be signed by an entity representative, with the appropriate authority to do so, such as a General Manager, Chief Executive Office, Regulatory Affairs Manager, etc.

If you are seeking a Commission issued username and password in order to file on behalf of an attorney’s office, the required authorization letter must be signed by the attorney on whose behalf you will be submitting electronic filings. The letter shall include a list of entities that the attorney’s practice is currently authorized to submit electronic filings for via the Commission’s electronic filing system.

The Commission has found numerous cases of improper use of usernames and passwords. The Commission requests that individuals receiving usernames and passwords and/or entity(ies) requesting authorizations remember the following:

  • The Commission shall be notified within 15 business days before the individual with the issued usernames and passwords leaves the attorney’s or entity’s employment or has moved to another position where the authorization is no longer required.

  • A username and password will only be issued to one individual. The issued username and password shall not be shared with any other individual, whether or not that unauthorized individual is employed or otherwise affiliated with the entity that originally requested the authorization.

  • The assigned username and/or password shall not be misused in such a way that the use could pose a cybersecurity risk or cause other IT problems for the Commission.

Please remember that failure to comply with any of the above issues related to the use of an assigned username and password could negatively impact an entity in such a manner that would preclude the entity’s ability to electronically file all types of documents for a period of time up to 30 days for the first offense.

An entity that is required to file regulatory cost charge (RCC) documents with the Commission, the entity will be only allowed two authorizations. Entities with more than two authorizations to file RCC documents will not be granted additional authorizations to file RCC documents until the existing authorizations for filing RCC documents numbers drop to two.

An entity that is required to file annual operating reports (AOR) with the Commission, the entity will be only allowed one authorization. Entities with more than two authorizations to file AORs will not be granted additional authorizations to file AORs until the existing AORs authorizations numbers drop to one.

There are no limits for authorized users to file Tariff Advice (TA and TL) filings, docket related filings, or comments, etc. on behalf of the entity

A sample Commission issued username and password authorization letter can be found at

* indicates a required field.